Graphene Uses

Graphene Uses

Graphene is the strongest material in the world and have many super features in ( Electronics , Power , Nanotechnology , Mechanics , Safety ..... and more ) so it enter in a lot of fields and everyday Graphene uses grow for give manufacturing material more strong and great feature ... we are interesting in all Graphene uses and news .

By luck, scientists discovered new way of mass producing graphene

By luck, scientists discovered new way of mass producing graphene

By luck, scientists discovered new way of mass producing graphene


Scientists find a way of mass producing graphene by luck, the scientist’s team from  Kansas State University (KSU) and lead by Chris Sorensen was attempting to make carbon soot aerosol gels by detonating acetylene gas and oxygen with a spark plug. That yielded soot resembling “black angel food cake,” according to team leader. It proved to be graphene, a discovery that could pave the way for cheaper manufacturing of graphene this wonderful material with many uses and applications but the main reason to obstruction this application to reach markets, graphene is difficult and expensive to mass produce and hope end this problem to find graphene in everywhere.

The scientist’s team technique simply requires three main things an oxidizing agent like oxygen or air, acetylene or other hydrocarbons and a spark, according to a patent it filed. The resulting detonation creates a 3,000 degree K ( about 2750 C) temperature inside the chamber, enough to create pure graphene stacked in single, double or triple sheets. scientists say the best property of all is that the energy required to make a gram of graphene through our process is much less than other processes because all it takes is a single spark.

The scientists working now to improve the quality of the graphene and scale it up to mass producing with industrial levels. The aim is to get the material out of the vessel several seconds after the detonation, so it doesn’t form into an aerogel. However, the technique seems far along already compared to other types of promising research, which often never leaves the lab.  but scientists appears the most advantage of this new way to produce graphene and the real wonderful thing of this experiment is that we can produce graphene in the quantity of grams rather than milligrams.